Epping Forest, Essex

Epping Forest History

Epping Forest in Essex has a rich history, dating back to the Iron Age. There are stories of Roman battles, Norman invaders, and notorious highwaymen. The famous highwayman Dick Turpin used a cave in the High Beach area of Epping as a hideout for many years.

Due to the forests’ proximity to London, it’s known as a burial area for murder victims, with many of the Krays victims believed to have been buried here.

Countless paranormal reports over the years lead many to believe it’s the UK’s most haunted forest.

Ghosts of Epping Forest

The haunted history of Epping Forest is notorious, so much so, Most Haunted carried out a live show here in 2003, hoping to locate the ghost of Dick Turpin, whom they believe came into contact with them.

Due to its reputation as one of the most haunted forests in England, ghost hunts are regular throughout the year. As well as the ghost of Turpin, there are numerous other sightings and experiences that have occurred at Epping throughout the years.

The ghost of Boudica (Queen of the British Iceni tribe – AD60) is believed to haunt the forest. Poltergeist activity is also a regular occurrence, with people reporting being pushed or touched by unseen hands.

Apparitions have been known to show themselves also. On one occasion, a man was spotted wearing a tricorn hat and cape on a black horse.

At the Wake Arms round-about, the headless apparition of a biker and a horse-drawn coach has been seen in the dead of night.

A troubled spirit is said to run out in front of vehicles, staring into the driver’s eyes before disappearing right before them.

The ghost of a young girl who reportedly drowned near the Kings Oak Pub has been seen, as well as a headless horseman.

Hangman's Hill

hangmans hill location
Hangman’s Hill Location

At Hangman’s Hill, there have been reports of an apparition of a man being seen in the wooded area. Terrifying screams are also heard here. If you leave your car in neutral on the hill, your vehicle will appear to roll upwards towards the tree where people have been hanged.

Ghost Hunts in East Anglia

Related pages: The Most Haunted Places in Essex

Visiting The Haunted Epping Forest

You can follow the route taken by Most Haunted by parking up at the Kings Oak Hotel.

If you want to test Hangman’s Hill, it’s located on the junction of Avey Lane and Pynest Green Lane (the road that has no markings on the map). Park at the red dot and go into neutral and see if the Hangman comes to meet you.

To be on the safe side, drive down so your car reverses back up the hill.

Epping Forest, Essex